Well I have just finished changing the format and colours of my blog, I hope you all like it. I am going to try and do a bit more advertising for my blog and hopefully get more readers. It would be brilliant if I could reach this blog out to more people and to get to a wider variety of people.
Recently my life has been really strange and a lot of stuff is changing. Do you know that feeling when you know something is going to happen, going to change but it just feels like a dream, like it is never REALLY going to happen. Its the sort of feeling you get when something has been the same way for as long as you can remember and suddenly it about to change? Yeah, thats how I am feeling right now.
In about two month I am going to move house, the new house is only about twenty minutes away but it still feels strange because I have lived in the house I live in for as long as I can remember. I also feel like that when I think about leaving school, I know that one day it is going to happen but it feels like it won't happen.
We got a new kid at school this week, me and my friend have been talking to them and trying to make friends with them. I'm not really sure it they want to be friends with us but we might as well try. Its begining to annoy me that my other friend doesn't really seem to care about the new kid.
More friend stuff, the other day I got an email from my friend that I haven't spoken to since January which was really good. I was so excited when I saw that I had an email from her,
Basically thats all I have to say for now. Hopefully I will get more people reading my blog soon...