I love this so much. I feel so privileged to be amongst the first countries to get this, one of the only times its been good to be Australian.
There are very few artists that I willingly pay for their music, and Cimorelli is definitely number 1!
Although we have already heard versions of Believe It and Wings before, these versions are definitely worth the purchase. The new song, You Got Me Good, is the best thing I have heard in a long time. Definitely a song to put on repeat.
Cimorelli are so amazing, and there has not been a single song of theirs which hasn't been wonderful. This EP is another edition to a long list.
Their music is so inspirational, I find that I have been in a much better mood since I discovered Cimorelli, even if it was only in July.
A year ago, on December 6th, the CimFam EP was released. This year, the Believe It EP was released, and is still being released. In another year.... Who knows? Maybe we will have an album.
Hopefully, this next year will be even more amazing than this year has been, and the CimFam will be backing you 110% of the ways.
The CimFam is unstoppable!
Back in July, when I first watched Cimorelli's parody of Call Me Maybe, that just 5 months later I would have over 100 new Cimorelli songs on my iPod.
This EP, is absolutely amazing. If you look just to the right you can see the songs they released in 2009, before they were famous. It's amazing to see just how much they have changed in just two years. They have gotten better, and this EP holds the best music they have ever posted.
How much more amazing will they be in another two years? If you can even get more amazing then this.
What ever happens, Cimorelli will always have unlimited and never ending support from the CimFam. In countries all around the world, people are listening to your music or waiting for the EP to be available for them.
In a matter of hours, their first ever music video will go up on their brand new Vevo!
They are definitely hitting big time now, yet they still seem to be the same people who posted Party in the USA two years ago. I remember the excitement when I discovered a few days ago that Lisa Cimorelli had followed me on twitter.
They have shown countless times that they love their fans, and their fans definitely love them back.
One day I hope to meet Cimorelli. They are my idols and it would definitely be the best moment of my life. They have such a positive energy, which is definitely reflected in their music.
As for the Christmas song, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, this is a great new twist on an old song, and is perfect for everyone's Christmas playlist. Just like last years Mistletoe and All I Want For Christmas. Who knows, maybe in the next few weeks we may get even more Christmas songs?
There are so many new songs to come, and I hope Cimorelli never stop making videos and posting them to YouTube, no matter how famous they get.
Although the Believe It music video is their first ever proper music video, their YouTube channel has many, many other videos which never stop being fun to watch, no matter how many times you have pressed that replay button.
At this point in time, someone, somewhere who has never before heard of Cimorelli, could be looking at this very EP or previewing the songs or reading the reviews. They could be looking at the YouTube videos or reading Cimorelli's Facebook or twitter pages.
It's a nice thought, that the CimFam is forever growing and becoming stronger and stronger by the minute. Cimorelli couldn't have got this far without the CimFam, so every new person who starts calling themselves one of the CimFam is another stepping stone to Cimorelli's greatness.
I am one of the CimFam and so are many, many others. This EP is just as exciting for us as I'm sure it is for Cimorelli. I love them so much and I want to see them achieve greatness. Every time Cimorelli performs or is interviewed or releases something like this, it makes me proud to be a part of the CimFam because we really do help a lot.
I suggest anyone reading this both buys the EP (and the previous one as well) and recommends this to everyone they know. It is worth every cent you spend on it (which to be fair, isn't that much I would have willingly spent 3 times as much) and I'm sure all the other reviews will tell you the same.
Their YouTube page is also filled with many other things for you to check out, which doesn't cost you anything. But, like I said, Cimorelli are one of the few artists I would willingly spend money on, and this EP is definitely worth it.
I have no doubt we will one day see Cimorelli up with the best of the best in the music world. Each little achievement, such as this EP is another step in that direction.
To go from being five girls posting a YouTube video in the hope that someone will see it, to being a group of 6 sisters with over 1 million subscribers, 370 million video views, 260 thousand followers and 509 thousand Facebook fans in just two years is an absolutely amazing achievement.
Hopefully, two years from now those numbers will be unbelievably large because Cimorelli deserve every single thing that they have achieved and every piece of support from the CimFam.
As I have said before, this EP is absolutely amazing and is a definite must have. It marks a point of great achievement for Cimorelli, and the beginning of so much more.
I love Cimorelli, they are absolutely my favourite artist and I can wait to see what comes in the future. Hopefully it will happen soon, but I'll just have to wait and see. Best case scenario, in ten years time I will look back over this post and think Cimorelli had achieved so little back then, I can't believe it seemed like a lot.
I love Cimorelli and I love this EP.
Music Video:
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